WLBM Writers Circle

INSPIRE others with your voice.

SHARE your stories.

GROW from our shared experiences.

Writers Circle Guidelines

1. Submission Format:

  • Submissions should be in English.

  • Submit stories in a common file format .docx 

2. Word Count:

  • Stories should be between 750 and 1,000 words in length.

3. Originality:

  • All submissions must be original works written by the author.

  • Previously published works, including on personal blogs or social media, will not be accepted.

4. Theme and Content:

  • Submissions should be non-fiction and based on real-life experiences.

  • Stories should provide insights, challenges, successes, or unique perspectives specific to the LBM industry.

5. Tone and Style:

  • We encourage a conversational and engaging writing style.

  • Stories can be personal narratives, profiles, interviews, or analytical pieces.

6. Inclusivity and Respect:

  • Submissions should respect diversity and inclusion, promoting a safe and respectful environment for all readers.

  • Avoid any discriminatory or offensive language.

7. Editing and Proofreading:

  • Proofread and edit your work carefully for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors before submission.

8. Submission Deadline:

  • Due within 30 days of signed Writers Circle Contributor Agreement

9. Author Bio:

  • Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) with your submission and headshot

10. Rights and Attribution:

  • Properly attribute any sources, quotes, or references used within the story.

  • Rights will be assigned per the Writers Circle Contributor Agreement.

11. Submission Process:

  • Submissions should be sent to ajimenez@wlbm.org 

  • Include the title of your submission, your name, and contact information in the submission email

12. Response Time:

  • Acknowledgement of submission will be sent via email within 7 business days. 

  • Response with suggested edits and feedback will be sent via email within 30 days. 

13. Confidentiality:

  • Any sensitive or confidential information should be handled with care, and anonymization may be necessary in some cases.

14. Review and Selection Process:

  • Not all submissions will be selected for publication. 

  • WLBM staff will review each submission and make a determination based on relevance, uniqueness, clarity and content needs. 

  • Some submissions may be selected for publication at a later date.

15. Publication and Compensation:

  • Writers Circle contributors are unpaid volunteers. 

  • Anticipated publication dates will be communicated with the author upon review and acceptance of submission via email.

16. Agreements:

  • Writers Circle contributors must sign the Writers Circle Contributors Agreement.

  • Agreements will be emailed to participants upon submission of the contact form.

17. Queries: