The Power of Reinvention
I’ve recently noticed a lot more concern among LBM people—particularly late-stage Gen Xers and young Baby Boomers—about their careers. As they pass the midpoint of their working lives, I’m hearing them ask: “Have I accomplished what I once wanted?” “Do I like my job?” and “What’s next? Will my work (or my employer) be around until I retire?”
To them, I say: I feel your concern. And I also believe it is never too late to reinvent yourself so that you’re able to enjoy work for years to come.
Embrace the Power of Adaptability
Being willing to reinvent yourself matters for both external and internal reasons. In an era of constant change, the skills and knowledge that were once in high demand may quickly become outdated. Job roles transform or disappear altogether. Salespeople whose chief sales tools were a spiral-bound notebook, and a box of doughnuts now must be computer-savvy and flash writing skills. Leaders of single-store independent lumberyards are called upon to manage multiple branches simultaneously when a big operation buys their company. Operations people who kept mental maps of truck routes and yard layouts now have to embrace software like dispatch-and-delivery systems and warehouse management programs. By embracing reinvention, individuals can update their skill sets and stay ahead of the curve.
Finding Alignment
Internally, reinvention matters perhaps even more. I have often seen people enter a career because it seems practical or lucrative, only to end up feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from their work. But the great thing about LBM is that it supplies a myriad of avenues to pursue your career while never leaving the industry. I encourage you to explore different jobs and career paths where you work and find alignment with your true passion and interests. Then tell your boss you’d like to get into that field. And even if a building material dealer doesn’t have what you want, there are related jobs in two-step distribution, product manufacturing, marketing, HR and the like that could fit you perfectly.
Perhaps you don’t know what you want to do next. No problem: Many people reach a point in their career and recognize they need or want a change but need help deciding the right path. They stand at the fork in the road, undecided on a direction. Fear of change is real, but taking calculated risks will diminish that fear. One of the best ways is to take a personality assessment like Hogan. These tools measure your motives, values, motivators, self-awareness, and leadership competencies. They can provide a clear direction to ensure your career aligns with who you are.
Don't Get Pigeonholed
By embracing reinvention, you open possibilities you may not have otherwise considered. I speak from experience. Over the decades, I have been fortunate to have many opportunities to expand my career. Most of these experiences placed me in a position to learn something completely different and challenged me to do something I had not done before. Scary, yes, but the confidence from succeeding in a role you'd yet to do prior is invaluable.
Arnold Schwarzenegger began as a bodybuilder, transitioned into acting, and then reinvented himself as the governor of California. Elon Musk began his career in software design, his first company being a city guide software named Zip2. From there, he went into banking and finance, founding the precursor to PayPal. Only after that came Tesla and SpaceX.
Reinvention doesn’t even require a job change. Consider Hancock Lumber’s longtime leader, Kevin Hancock. When a medical condition made it painful for him to speak, he was forced to alter how he interacted with his employees—and as a result, developed a new management style that has taken Hancock Lumber to even greater heights.
Reinvention promotes resilience in the face of adversity. Career setbacks and obstacles are inevitable in today's constantly evolving job market. Individuals who successfully reinvent themselves are better equipped to bounce back. Their diverse skill set, adaptability, and growth mindset enable them to tackle challenges head-on and find innovative solutions. This resilience benefits them in their careers and personal lives as they learn to navigate change and uncertainty with confidence and determination.
Just Do It
The power of reinventing yourself during your career cannot be overstated. Adaptability and a growth mindset are essential for success. By embracing change and learning through reinvention, you. can pursue your passions, achieve personal growth, and build resilience, all contributing to a fulfilling and successful career.